JJDJS Spring 2016, 6th Loup (Simon Renard) - Valencia

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Total Cards: 50
Total Influence: 12 / 15


Event (20)

Hardware (8)

Icebreaker (9)

Program (3)

Resource (10)


Core Set (20)

Fear and Loathing (3)

Order and Chaos (14)

Trace Amount (5)

True Colors (3)

What Lies Ahead (5)


Anarch (33)

Criminal (6)

Neutral (11)

Card Costs

Opening Hand Odds

  • 1 or more breaker : 64.63%
  • 1 of a 3 copies of the desired card : 25.3%
  • 1 of a 2 copies of the desired card : 18.4%

Hand Generator

Deck Change Log

  • This deck finished 6th after round at the JJDJS Spring 2016 in Frameries, Belgium on the 2016-06-19