Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
Weyland Consortium - Identity - Corp
Order and Chaos
- Max Influence: 15
- Deck Minimum Cards: 45
As an additional cost to access a card in a remote server, the Runner must pay 1[Credits].
Sic Itur Ad Astra.
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon is also played in 8.4% of the Weyland Consortium deck with an average quantity of 1 per Weyland Consortium deck.
Check some deck(s) with Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon
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JJDJS Summer 2016, 2nd William Loffel - Wayland Ally
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BABW SEASON 2 LONDON, 4th Matthew Herdman - Happy Space Camps Gagarin
Moscow GNK 2016-06-18, 2nd Popov Egor - Total Recall