Regional Paris, 21st Synesios - SIl Ambush V2

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Total Cards: 40
Total Influence: 15 / 15


Event (13)

Hardware (8)

Icebreaker (8)

Program (6)

Resource (5)


Core Set (18)

Creation and Control (5)

Cyber Exodus (2)

Future Proof (3)

Honor and Profit (7)

Trace Amount (2)

Upstalk (1)

What Lies Ahead (2)


Anarch (5)

  • 2x Corroder (Core Set) •• ••
  • 1x Mimic (Core Set)
  • 2x Medium (Core Set) ••• •••

Criminal (26)

Neutral (7)

Shaper (2)

  • 2x Clone Chip (Creation and Control) •• ••

Card Costs

Opening Hand Odds

  • 1 or more breaker : 69.4%
  • 1 of a 3 copies of the desired card : 30.1%
  • 1 of a 2 copies of the desired card : 22.4%

Hand Generator

Deck Change Log

  • This deck finished 21st after round at the Regional Paris in Paris, France on the 2014-06-07